Friday, August 8, 2014

Eggless Mango Ice Cream

I have been looking for that elusive,easy, perfect ice-cream recipe for the longest now.I have seen people post wonderful perfect-looking home-made ice-creams on Facebook and in different forums.  I have come across several ice-cream recipes online but most require a ice-cream machine or have eggs in them. Others call for taking it out of the freezer every few hours and blending it and putting it back. Well, I simply cannot be bothered with all that as time is a issue for me. Everything that I make has to simple, quick an easy. Therefore I cannot tell you how happy I was when I saw my good friend from the blogging world, Shilpa Pinaki's  simple ice-cream recipe with just 3 ingredients! I was overjoyed when I tried it and it came out PERRRFECT!!! It was a superhit at home! Shilpa fully deserves all the accolades that she receives for this recipe.

We still have another month or so if summer left before the temperature stars falling. Enjoy it to the fullest with this simple and easy Mango Ice-cream recipe. I of course have modified the recipe a little by adding a fourth ingredient: vanilla essence. You can find the original recipe here.

Servings: 8-10


Whipping cream: 1/2 pint
Condensed milk: One 12 oz can
Mango pulp: from one big mango ( I used kent Mango).
Vanilla essence: 1 tsp

Shilpa's recipe suggests using equal amounts of whipping cream, condensed milk and mango pulp. I didn't want a little bit of this and a little bit of that left, hence used whole can/carton.


Chill the cream and condensed milk overnight  in  the refrigerator overnight.

Whip the cream in a blender until fluffy. Add the vanilla essence.Add the condensed milk and mango pulp little bit at a time until well mixed.

Freeze for 6-8 hours before serving.

Serve it in a cup/cone/ waffle bowl, anything that catches your fancy!

I am bringing this to all the fun-loving foodies at Angie's Fiesta Friday! Margot and Saucy, the wonderful Australian duo are co-hosting again this week! What fun it will be!!! I bet they will all love it! I hope I have enough for all...:)
If you haven't been to Angie's parties, I strongly suggest you is TONS of fun!


Cooking made easy:

 For the above ice-cream, any fruit of your choice could be used instead of mangoes. You could use frozen/canned mango pulp instead of fresh mango.I prefer to use fresh whenever I can.

Whenever you have fruit that is overripe or you fear is about to go bad, just peel it, chop it and put it in ziplock bags or freezer bags/containers and freeze it. When needed you can whip it into an ice-cream, smoothie or milk-shake!

Tip or healthy living:

Make sure you include atleast 3-4 kinds of fruits in your diet each day. The colors are important as each color indicates the nutrient that the fruit is rich in !This will provide you with most of your daily requirement of vitamins and minerals!

Food for thought:

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. Mark Twain

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